Transaction Successful

Please print this page to give to the driver when you board the bus.

Buyer Information

Mary E Barkworth
397 Lauralin Dr
Logan, UT 84321

Phone: 4352133124
Mobile: 4355572121
E-mail Address:

Purchase Information

Order Number: 457690
Order Date: 06/20/2019 5:40:08 AM
Processed By: Salt Lake Express (800-356-9796)
Payment Type: Credit Card Online (Discover ****-****-****-2028)
Authorization Code: 02053B
AVS Response: Y

Product Cost

Mary Barkworth's Ticket

Round Trip:
From: Logan (CVTD), UT
To: Salt Lake City Airport, UT
Departing: 06/29/2019 1:45 PM, SLE LS45A 9045
Returning: 09/07/2019 3:00 PM, SLE LS35D 9036
Bags: 1


1 × Processing Fee

$2.00 each

Subtotal $70.95
Total $70.95
****-****-****-2028 Auth: 02053B, AVS: Y
Salt Lake Express
Boarding Pass
From: Logan (CVTD) UT Dep: 29Jun19 01:45pm
To: Salt Lake City Airport UT Sched SLE LS45A 9045
RT Adult (13+) Mary Barkworth
Internet Ticket
Ticket for schedule SLE LS45A 9045 / 29Jun19
Fare $68.95 Conf#: 02053B
Tax XX 457690 Logan (CVTD) UT
Total $68.95 20Jun19 05:40am
Miles 86 of 172 Tkt Orig: Logan (CVTD) UT
Coupon 01 of 02 Tkt Dest: Salt Lake City Airport UT
003448 Bags:01/000000 Tariff: SLE-BASE (Web: SLE)
Salt Lake Express
Boarding Pass
From: Salt Lake City Airport UT Dep: 07Sep19 03:00pm
To: Logan (CVTD) UT Sched SLE LS35D 9036
RT Adult (13+) Mary Barkworth
Internet Ticket
Ticket for schedule SLE LS35D 9036 / 07Sep19
Fare $68.95 Conf#: 02053B
Tax XX 457690 Logan (CVTD) UT
Total $68.95 20Jun19 05:40am
Miles 86 of 172 Tkt Orig: Logan (CVTD) UT
Coupon 02 of 02 Tkt Dest: Salt Lake City Airport UT
003448 Bags:01/000000 Tariff: SLE-BASE (Web: SLE)

Departure Itinerary 06/29/2019, Order 457690

Station Arrives Departs Layover Dep. Route
Logan (CVTD), UT 01:45 PM SLE LS45A 9045
Cache Valley Transportation District
150 East 500 North
Logan, UT 84321
(435) 752-2877


Load in South Parking Lot of CVTD in Marked Parking Stalls

Salt Lake City Airport, UT 03:30 PM
Airport - Salt Lake City
3920 W. Terminal Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84122


Shuttle will drop off/pick up on the ground level outside of door L2. Shuttle will be located between pillar 3B and 4B in the B lanes.

Boarding for airline ticketed passengers.

Return Itinerary 09/07/2019, Order 457690

Station Arrives Departs Layover Dep. Route
Salt Lake City Airport, UT 03:00 PM SLE LS35D 9036
Airport - Salt Lake City
3920 W. Terminal Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84122


Shuttle will drop off/pick up on the ground level outside of door L2. Shuttle will be located between pillar 3B and 4B in the B lanes.

Boarding for airline ticketed passengers.

Brigham City (Exit 362), UT 04:00 PM 04:05 PM 5m SLE LS35D 9036
Logan (CVTD), UT 04:40 PM
Cache Valley Transportation District
150 East 500 North
Logan, UT 84321
(435) 752-2877


Load in South Parking Lot of CVTD in Marked Parking Stalls


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